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Road bike France

A classic road bike tour that crosses the wonderful Massif Central, finishing at the Mediterranean Sea!Ref CR09

From the Massif Central to the Mediterranean, or from Clermont-Ferrand to Sète, this route takes you through the entire « Vieux Massif », an area that is ideal for road biking. The route takes in some spectacular cols (including the Pas de Peyrol, the highest road pass in the Massif Central), as well as some rich and diverse scenery: the volcanic Puy mountain range, the Monts Dore, the Cantal, the Aubrac, the Causse Sauveterre, the Tarn and Jonte gorges, the Mont Aigoual, the Cévennes, the Hérault gorge, before a dramatic seaside finale in the pretty fishing port of Sète.

Tour with assistance vehicle: from 1225€ - Details Duration : 8 days | Level : Customer satisfaction : - 6 reviews
+33 458 140 435 A dedicated team of travel specialists is available to offer you expert advice Monday to Friday from 9 to 12:30 AM and 13:30 to 6 PM (French time) on the phone, or by email.
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  • A route mostly on quiet roads with very light traffic
  • The crossing of the volcanoes of the Auvergne
  • The gorges of the Tarn and the Jonte
  • The culinary delights and local produce of each region



  • This tour is available in 3 versions: V1 = 1 wheel / V2 = 2 wheels / V3 = 3 wheels. Each day you choose between different itineraries (V1, V2 or V3), with varying distances and alttitude gain.
  • Special offers available for private groups. Please contact us for a quote.


Most of our circuits offer several different levels, ranging from 1 to 3.

All 3 levels use the same accommodation (with a few rare exceptions clearly stated in the tour description), enabling you to switch between different levels each day.

Day 1: Clermont Ferrand - Lac Chambon

Itinerary start: Rendezvous with the organisation team is fixed on day 1 at 9am at Clermont-Ferrand SNCF railway station. On request we can book the previous nights accommodation for you in Clermont-Ferrand.

Passes of the day

- Col de Ceyssat, 1078 m (level 1, 2)
- Col de La Moreno, 1065 m (level 1, 2, 3)
- Col de Guéry, 1268 m (level 1, 2, 3)
- Col de la Soeur, 1149 m (level 2, 3)
- Col de la Croix Morand, 1401 m (level 1)
- Col de la Croix Saint Robert, 1451 m (level 2, 3)


- The narrow streets of Clermont Ferrand, capital of the Auvergne
- The Puy mountain range, and its 80 volcanic cones
- The Monts Dores
- The stage finish on the shores of Lac Chambon

Level 1: approx. 75 km / altitude gain: approx. 1700m
Level 2: approx. 115 km / altitude gain: approx. 2550 m
Level 3: approx. 125 km / altitude gain: approx. 2600 m

Day 2: Lac Chambon - Lavigerie

Passes of the day

- Col d'Aulac, 1220 m (level 2)
- Col de Néronne, 1242 m (level 3)
- Pas de Peyrol, 1589 m (level 2, 3)
- Col de Serre, 1335 m (level 2)


- The climb to Super-Besse, home to several dramatic stage finishes of Le Tour!
- The Pas de Peyrol and Col de Serre section, under the watchful eye of the Puy Mary.
- The Plateau du Cézallier, home to the Salers and Aubrac cows
- The huge Cantal stratovolcano, largest volcano in Europe

Level 1: approx. 75 km / altitude gain: approx. 1200 m
Level 2: approx. 105 km / altitude gain: approx. 2050 m
Level 3: approx. 130 km / altitude gain: approx. 2500 m

Day 3: Lavigerie - La Chaldette

Passes of the day

- Col d'Entremont, 1220 m (level 1, 2, 3)
- Col de Prat de Bouc, 1396 m (level 1, 2, 3)


- The Col de Prat de Bouc, an impressive mountain pass at the foot of the Plomb du Cantal in the heart of the Cantal
- The lush green Gorges de la Truyère
- An overnight stop in a small Aubracois village

Level 1: approx. 75 km / altitude gain: approx. 1400 m
Level 2: approx. 110 km / altitude gain: approx. 2000 m
Level 3: approx. 125 km / altitude gain: 2300 m

Day 4: La Chaldette - Sainte Enimie

Passes of the day

- Col de Bonnecombe, 1340 m (level 1, 2, 3)
- Col du Trébatut, 1076 m (level 1)


- Crossing of the wild and beautiful Monts d'Aubrac plateau, where time seems to have stood still
- Crossing of the Causse de Sauveterre, with its "avens" (sinkholes)and its isolated sheepfarms...

Level 1: approx. 80 km / altitude gain: approx. 800 m
Level 2: approx. 105 km / altitude gain: approx. 1350 m
Level 3: approx. 125 km / altitude gain: approx. 1600 m
For all levels - optional loop over the Causse Sauveterre: approx. 50 km / altitude gain: approx. 800 m

Day 5: Sainte Enimie - Meyrueis

Passes of the day

- Col de Coperlac, 903 m (level 1, 2)
- Climb to the Causse Méjean (level 1, 2, 3)
- Climb to the Causse Noir (level 2, 3)


- The Gorges du Tarn: impressive cliffs overlooking the crystal clear waters of the Tarn river
- Numerous charming small villages, such as Saint Chely du Tarn
- The Gorges de la Jonte
- The wild moorlands of the Causse Mejean and Causse Noir

Level 1: approx. 70 km / altitude gain: approx. 1300 m
Level 2: approx. 90 km / altitude gain: approx. 1750 m
Level 3: approx. 130 km / altitude gain: approx. 2100 m

Day 6: Meyrueis - Alzon

Passes of the day

- Col de Perjuret, 1031 m (level 1, 2, 3)
- Col de Fourques, 1046 m (level 1, 2)
- The Mont Aigoual, 1565 m (optional climb)
- Col des Rhodes, 922 m (level 1, 2, 3)
- Col de la Pierre Plantée, 867 m (level 1, 2, 3)
- Col de la Barrière, 809 m (level 1, 2, 3)


- The ascent of the mythical Mont Aigoual, in the heart of the Cévennes national park.
- The sudden change to a Mediterranean landscape, climate and architecture after the Mont Aigoual

Level 1: approx. 80 km / altitude gain: approx. 1550 m
Level 2: approx. 115 km / altitude gain: approx. 1900 m
Level 3: approx. 140 km / altitude gain: approx. 2400 m

Note: Distances and altitude gain include the climb to the Mont Aigoual.

Day 7: Alzon - Saint Guilhem le Désert

Passes of the day

- Col du Vent, 703 m (level 3)
- Mont Saint Baudille, 848 m (level 3)


- No significant cols for levels 1 and 2, but a few small climbs nonetheless!
- The magnificent Cirque de Navacelles
- The dramatic Vis and Hérault gorges
- Saint Guilhem le Désert, one of the most beautiful villages in France

Level 1 and 2: approx. 90 km / altitude gain: approx. 1050 m
Level 3: approx. 135 km / altitude gain: approx. 1950 m

Day 8: Saint Guilhem le Désert - Sète

Passes of the day

No cols on this last day that takes us to the Mediterranean Sea!


- The last Causse of our tour, the Causse d'Aumelas
- The cycle path between the land and the sea, between the Med and the Etang de Thau
- The bustling fishing port of Sète, home to French singer songwriter Georges Brassens

Level 1: approx. 80 km / altitude gain: approx. 550 m
Level 2 and 3: approx. 100 km / altitude gain: approx. 800 m

Itinerary end: The tour ends at Sète SNCF railway station at around midday. On request we can book the following nights accommodation for you in Sète.

Distances and altitude gain are an indication only and may vary.

Average tour rating:

4.7/5 - 6 Reviews
Sue F. | Participant rating:
"This tour was absolutely fantastic and I cannot recommend it enough. Our guide Damien took wonderful care of us, made the best lunches, and was so pleasant, personable, and fun. The routes were beautiful and every day just took us somewhere even more gorgeous. Wonderful food options and accommodations were great, and we had such an incredible time. I would not hesitate to book another tour with France Bike Trips and Velorizons. "
Peter D. | Participant rating:
"This tour was a wonderful way to experience the natural beauty of the French countryside, volcanic mountains and river gorges that are far from the modern cities. On these beautifully paved rural roads we enjoyed stone villages and medieval towns, French hospitality and plenty of incredible "cols" and descents to make each day an adventure. Highlights for me included plunging into a lake or a river after a ride, climbing to summits used in past Tour de France routes, and fueling with fresh local artisanal food. I can't recommend the Massif Central tour enough. "
Janine L. | Participant rating:
"An excellent trip. Would travel with Velorizons again."
Casper M. | Participant rating:
"An excellent tour. Well organised, on mostly quiet roads in good condition passing through old villages and scenic countryside. Our leader was very helpful and accommodating. The meals were (almost always) very good and the hotels always clean."
Michael R. | Participant rating:
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